Troubleshooting the Installer

If for some reason the installer will not run on your system it would be helpful if you could please create the MSI installer log files and open a helpdesk ticket on our site and attach them to the ticket.
To enable the creation of the log files we need to first create a folder to save them in and then pass command line parameters to the acroplotsetup.exe
1.) First create a folder in your C:\ drive called TempAcroPlot for the files to be written to.
2.) Then right click on the acroplotreprosetup.exe and do the "Send to" option and then the "Desktop (create shortcut)" option.
3.) Once you have the shortcut created on your desktop please right click on the shortcut and do the "Properties" option.
4.) In the Target box after the ...acroplotsetup.exe" you will need to add a space and then paste the following line in.
/debuglog"C:\TempAcroPlot\setupexe.log" /V"/L*v c:\TempAcroPlot\SetupMSI.log"
So it should look something like this:
"C:\YourLocation\acroplotreprosetup.exe" /debuglog"C:\TempAcroPlot\setupexe.log" /V"/L*v c:\TempAcroPlot\SetupMSI.log"
The important thing is that it needs a space between the acroplotreprosetup.exe" and the /debuglog
 Then just double click on the shortcut to run the installer and when it fails please send us the two log files it creates in the C:\TempAcroPlot folder.